2025 21 Days of Prayer: Day 15 - Prayer for the Lost

Series: 21 Days of Prayer

January 21, 2025

Heavenly Father, You are a good father who is patient and desires that everyone become redeemed from their sins and past mistakes. You are compassionate and gracious, knowing that you created every person with a purpose and value. Today, we come to pray for the lost in our communities, families, and our businesses. Father, we ask for eyes to see the lost around us. Help us to know that these lost people might be people that have just crossed our paths, or they could be people that we have been dealing with for years in our business. Give us the boldness and courage to speak to them words of faithfulness and wisdom that can transform and change their life forever. Challenge us not to accept quietness as a virtue but rather to speak words of hope, honesty, and conviction. Father, we praise you for sending Jesus to save us from our sins. Jesus said he "came to seek and save the lost." Thank you for allowing Him to be sacrificed on the cross so that we might repent of our sins, confess Him with our mouths, be baptized, and become sons and daughters and co-heirs with Him.

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