John 1:19-34

Series: The Gospel of John

January 26, 2020
Pastor Jim Apgar

John 1:19-34

Episode Notes

Matt. 3:4-6
Mal. 4:5-6
Deut. 18:15
Luke 3:7-15
Luke 3:16-16
Luke 3:21-22
John 3:22-29
Mark 1:12-13
Acts 1:1-5,6

The Remedy Paraphrase:
12"I have so much more to tell you, but you are not currently able to comprehend or understand it.13But when you open your minds to the Spirit of Truth, he will guide you in comprehending all truth. He will not be speaking for himself; he will speak what he hears from me, and he will reveal to you what the future holds.14He will honor and glorify me by taking what I have done and reproducing it in you. He will connect together in your minds all the evidence I have provided — so that you will comprehend the truth about me and the Father, our methods and principles, the nature and character of sin, the destructiveness of Satan's methods, the true character of Satan–and he will take my perfect character and reproduce it in you.15Everything that belongs to the Father is equally mine. That is why I said that the Spirit will not be speaking for himself but will take all I have achieved and reproduce it in you.

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