
April 03, 2022
Pastor Clint Ziemer

Audio of the sermon preached on April 3, 2022, at Cable Community Church, Sherrard, IL

Episode Notes


John 6:16-21

We are in the midst of a Lenten series on the “signs” of Jesus in John. 

Began with “water into wine” of John 2.  Then, the nobleman’s son healed, Jn 4. Next, the healing of the cripple by the pool, John 5.  Last week, the feeding of the 5,000.

Robert Louis Stevenson tells of a storm that caught a vessel off a rocky coast and threatened to drive it and its passengers to destruction. In the midst of the terror, one daring man, contrary to orders, went to the deck, made a dangerous passage to the pilot house and saw the steerman, at his post holding the wheel unwaveringly, and inch by inch, turning the ship out, once more, to sea. The pilot saw the watcher and smiled. Then, the daring passenger went below and gave out a note of cheer: "I have seen the face of the pilot, and he smiled. All is well."

Turn with me to John 6  as we read the story of a storm, a stroll and a stunning realization about Jesus …

Jesus sends His disciples (vv. 16-18)

Jesus goes to His disciples (vv. 19-20)   and

Jesus moves His disciples (v. 21)

  1. Body
    1. Jesus sends His disciples (vv. 16-18) — into the storm
      1. Who WANTS to go into a storm? Not me!
        1. A few love it. We call them storm chasers.
        2. This was a storm of intense winds.
          1. We are told in John 6:19 that they had only rowed 25 or 30 furlongs (a little more than three miles). Mark 6:47 states that the ship was in the midst of the sea. The Greek word for midst (mesos, Strong’s 3319) has the idea of being in the middle, as in halfway between two shores. The Sea of Galilee is about 13 miles long and more than seven miles wide. Rowing from a point north of Gergesa on a northwesterly course to Capernaum would be a distance of just over six miles; the halfway point would be three miles. They probably rowed directly across the sea toward Caper­naum, otherwise they would have rowed toward the shore when the storm arose.
          2. Jesus sent the disciples on their way in late afternoon. They expected their journey would take a few hours, but they were still rowing as night fell. When a great storm overtook them, they turned the bow of the boat into the wind and fought the storm.
          3. This was no small squall they were caught in. The Sea of Galilee is surrounded by hills, especially on the north, and down the east side, with mountains behind them. Deep valleys are cut through the hills and mighty winds flow through them. Throughout the day, the air at water level is heated and it rises swiftly, and cold air from the mountains and hills flows down through these cuts to turn Galilee into a boiling cauldron. They had been rowing against this wind for several hours and still had only gone a few miles.
      2. A disciple goes when Jesus sends him or her “…if you obey my commandments”
      3. A disciple must trust that Jesus knows what lies ahead.
      4. James tells us the purpose of trials is to test and deepen our faith. James 1:2-3, tells us in (1:2-3) “Dear Brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything” (NLT).
      5. Do you trust Him when he seems to be far away?
    2. Jesus goes to His disciples (vv. 19-20)
      1. Mat 14:24 - distressing conditions —- “But the boat was now [b]in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary.”
        1. When they saw him they were afraid. 
        2. He came in an unusual way.
        3. “We should also reflect that Jesus comes to us in ways we do not expect. When the disciples were tossed about on that boat there is little doubt that some of them at any rate thought, ‘If only Jesus were with us!’ That would be just what was needed. He would find some way of seeing them through. But when he came in a way that they did not expect, and instead of welcoming his appearance they were frightened. And is that not sometimes our experience as well….. One thing is certain. The Christian way is full of surprises, and Christ constantly comes to us in ways that we do not anticipate. Unless we welcome him, however he comes, our spiritual experience will always be the poorer.” [Leon Morris. Reflections on the Gospel of John. (Peabody, Mass.:Hendrickson Pub., 1988) p. 219]
      2. Mark adds, he would have passed by them, but they saw him and cried out.
      3. When they heard his word they recognized him. — Are we so familiar with His Word that we would recognize Him by it?
      4. He said, 
        1.   (be of good cheer) Matt. & Mark. “Cheer up!”  Why so downcast oh my soul? (Ps. 42:5, Ps. 43:5)
        2.   it is I. 
        3.   Do not be afraid.
        4. Ray Stedman - It is I, do not be afraid." It is as if Jesus says, "The very things that oppose you, the boisterous sea, the buffeting winds, I already have under my feet. I am in control of these events, therefore there is no need to fear”
      5. Psalm 23 - though I walk through the valley of the shadow, I will not fear…
      6. In your distress are you looking for Jesus?  
        1. Do you cry out to Jesus? 
        2. Can you hear Jesus saying “don’t be afraid?”

    1. Jesus moves His disciples (v. 21) -  (When) Jesus arrives (the crisis is over)
      1. They were willing to receive him. 
        1. How many problems continue because we are unwilling to meet Jesus on his terms?
      2. After Jesus gets in with them. 
        1. no more storm, 
        2. no more struggles (rowing, fighting winds and waves), 
        3. Remember Jesus who said… “take my yoke upon you…” (Matt. 11:29)
        4. they arrive.  The boat was at the land where they were going
      3. They recognize him for who he is and 
        1. (They worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.) Matt. 14:32 
        2. The importance of the incident is found in the Old Testament where it is clear that the One Who can walk on water is the omnipotent God - ‘your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters’ (Psalm 77.19)

  1. Conclusion
    1. What if you were one of the disciples but you refused to obey? To go ahead?
    2.   Missed this storm, yes but also missed out on the sign, the miracle 
    3.   Missed the realization that Jesus is Lord
    4. You would likely still be prone to fear. Remain that way.
    5. Would you really truly be a disciple?
      1. I read about a helicopter pilot who flew from an aircraft carrier in the Pacific told this story. He said, "I was flying the helicopter back to the ship when a blinding fog rolled in. Flying at a low altitude, I knew that a single mistake would plunge my crew and me into the ocean. Worse yet, I was experiencing a complete loss of balance -- which is common for pilots flying by instruments. This loss of balance was so bad that despite the instrument readings I was certain that I was lying on my side. For 15 minutes I flew the helicopter by its instruments, fighting the urge to turn it according to my feeling. When we finally broke safely through the fog, I was deeply thankful I had been trained to rely upon my instruments rather than on my feelings.”
      2. That is what people who live by faith do -- they remember that feelings can be misleading, but the truths in God's word are reliable, trustworthy, and consistent. The Christian life, like walking on water, is humanly impossible. It can only be lived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Storms are going to come. When you're in a storm with the wind raging and the waves pounding, and you feel like you're sinking, know this: The same Lord who stills the storm allows the storm.
    7. A Disciple
      1. Obeys Jesus, even when sent into a storm
      2. Looks and Listens for Jesus during the storm — not fearing but trusting
      3. Receives Jesus and worships Him after the storm.

Content Copyright Belongs to Cable Community Church