Rise Up From Death

May 17, 2020
Pastor Clint Ziemer

Audio of the sermon for May 17, 2020 for Cable Community Church, Sherrard, IL

Episode Notes

Rise Up From Death

Acts 9:36-43

There is this story about a preacher’s 91 year old mother.  She was taken to the hospital with breathing troubles and tested for the Corona virus.  Her son visited her and tried to cheer her up by saying, "Now, Mom, don’t worry -- you’re going to be home in a few days."  She replied brightly, "Oh, I know that son. I just don’t know which home."

While she may have been contemplating death, and people all around us are worried about dying, sometimes death is unexpected.  How do you explain the death of young godly person?   What good reason is there for a sudden sickness or an accident leading to death?  How does one make sense of a pandemic?  When we cannot explain such events, people may come to the wrong conclusions about God...

God doesn’t care...

God is not paying attention or he would not have let Dorcas die?   Or if he does know, he doesn’t care?

God is not very smart

Why would an intelligent God do such a thing?

God is not very strong

Just maybe God has lost control of the universe?  Or maybe he never had control?


It is this kind of thinking that caused...

Eve to eat the apple (Thought she was smarter than God)

Cain to kill Able (Took vengeance into his own hands)

The unjust steward to bury his talent (God had a flaw in his character) 

Today we are going to look at the first time the harsh reality of death confronts the resurrection message of the early church.  Of course, the first death recorded in Acts was the martyrdom of Stephen.  That can be explained by the persecution of men.  What we will see today is a Christian, a disciple, dying due to sickness.  She got ill and slipped away into death.  How can this be?  Why does God allow such things?  As we read from Acts 9, beginning with verse 36, notice that....

Dorcas Has Died  (vv. 36-37)

Peter Has Resurrection Power  (vv. 38-40a)   and

Dorcas Receives New Life (vv. 40b-43)


Dorcas Has Died  (vv. 36-37)

In this "between time" sickness and death still affect God's people

Death Remains

Christ has victory over death  (Romans 6:9)

 “Death is swallowed up in victory.”  [Isaiah 25:8]

 “ O Death, where is your sting?  [Hosea 13:14]

  O Hades, where is your victory?”  (1 Cor. 15:54b-55)

Death is called "the last enemy"  

For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet.   The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. (1 Cor. 15:25-26)

And so… Good People Die

Dorcas lived what she believed — it seems that she had a ministry to the poor widows.

Before Jesus came there was no Social Security.  There were no hospitals, no orphanages, no place of treatment for the insane, no place that lepers were treated. There was not even any help for the poor. Christianity brought all of these things into being.

Martem Tenens (later to be named Saint Martin) was born in what is now Hungary and was drafted into Constantine’s army at age 15. As a tribune at the age of 18, on a bitterly cold day in Gaul, Martem came across a beggar, naked and shivering. Martem, a follower of Christ, slashed his heavy military cloak in two with his sword and gave half of it to the beggar. That night, sleeping under his half cloak, Jesus appeared to him in a dream wearing the other half and commended Martem for his mercy. “When you did it to the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.”

Dorcas was like that. 

Many people mourned her passing (v. 39b)

She was the first believer to have died from natural causesPeter Has Resurrection Power  (vv. 38-40a)

God's Kingdom sometimes disturbs this world's routine

The Disciples Sent For Peter

Because he was one of the twelve

Because he'd been preaching with signs and wonders

Because the ministry of Jesus is being extended through him

One question you might ask:  Why didn't these disciples raise her up to new life?  

Was this healing power specific only to Peter?

Were these miracles specific and peculiar to that specific time in Church history?

Would, could and will God heal people even today?

Illustration -- God is Lord - He does as He wills

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Susan and Lucy ask Mr. and Mrs. Beaver to describe Aslan. They ask if Aslan is a man. Mr. Beaver replies.

“Aslan a man? Certainly not. I tell you he is the King of the wood and the son of the great Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea. Don’t you know who is the King of Beasts? Aslan is a lion - the Lion, the great Lion.”

“Ooh!” said Susan. “I’d thought he was a man. Is he - quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion.”

“That you will, dearie, and no mistake,” said Mrs. Beaver, “if there’s anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they’re either braver than most or else just silly.”

“Then he isn’t safe?” said Lucy.

”Safe?” said Mr. Beaver. “Don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about being safe? ’Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

Peter Followed Jesus' Example with this healing  (Luke 8 - Jairus' daughter)

He put them all out

He prayed

He spoke in faith - “Get up.”

Dorcas Receives New Life (vv. 40b-43)

What happen physically to Dorcas is an illustration of receiving spiritual life

In this miracle --  an everlasting message proclaimed

The Message to the early Church -- Jesus is Lord

The Message to the world around Joppa -- Jesus is Lord

The Message to us today -- Jesus is Lord

Lord over sickness and death

In this miracle -- the way of eternal life is modeled

Her Eyes Are Opened To The One Speaking To Her

She Gets Up - She Responds To The Invitation 

She Is Lifted Up As She Responds


God gives us physical healing in 4 different ways:

Through our natural bodily processes; ( cut yourself, bandage it & it heals.)

Through the wisdom & skill of medical professionals; (cut yourself and go to the doctor.)

Through what we know as "miraculous" healings; (the doctor is stumped, yet you’re healed.)

Through death. (the ultimate healing for those who believe.)

Some in our society may deny the reality of the last healing- death. It’s the ultimate healing, if we are true to our belief in the Resurrection power of Christ!

And, if we accept that death is the ultimate healing, why was Tabitha healed?

I believe her healing was part of a message proclaimed through the ages - along with Jairus’ daughter and Jesus friend, Lazarus.

Dorcas, like Jairus' daughter, and Lazarus all died again.  These were only temporary resurrections for the recipients.

I'm sure Dorcas’ death was mourned again.

People made a big deal about her servant's heart and the example she set for the entire church.

And people - especially the widows whom she helped - were likely grateful for those few (perhaps) extra years they were granted to have with dear Dorcas.

Dorcas’ healing was also a type (or picture) of spiritual awakening

In Christ the spiritually dead come to life:  they hear His call and awaken to new life.

So what can we, ages removed from her, learn from Dorcas’ story?

In Christ, death does not get the last word.  Believers die.  In Christ, we have resurrection,

Both our lives and our deaths should bear testimony that Jesus is Lord.

Our lives should make a difference so that our deaths may leave a legacy.

So, who are “the widows” around you today?  - There are needs all around each one of us.

Are you, like Peter, open to God moving through your life - as He wills?  What if God would work a miracle through you?  Are you listening for the call so that you’re in the right place at the right time for God’s work?

Content Copyright Belongs to Cable Community Church