The Root of Our Identity

February 15, 2022
Pastor Dontay Elliott

The parable of the seed sown on four different grounds, is about a person's life response to God and the gospel, not a specific time in their life. During difficult times, even devout believers struggle with worldly concerns and disappointment. These difficulties do not move true believers apart from Jesus, but instead brings them closer to Him. God uses these difficulties to deepen our faith in Him, producing a mighty harvest.

Episode Notes

Matthews 13:1-23

The farmer represents Christ and His agents, those who scatter the "seed" - the gospel. The state of the soil – the heart of the individual who hears the gospel – is the sole variable. The soil condition determines the seed's ability to bear fruit. Because of the state of their hearts, many reject the gospel. The issue is with the soil, not the Sower or the seed. We can find this parable in Matthews chapter 13:1-23. Verses 18-23 Jesus explains the parable of the Sower who scattered his seed on four different soils to his disciples.

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