Our Covenant God

July 07, 2024
Brendalee Vokes

Brendalee explains about covenant & about our Covenant God in this message. Some of the Names of God: 1. Hashem: The Name 2. Elohim: Strong One-Deuteronomy 10:17 3. El Elyon: God Most High-Genesis 14:19-20 4. El Roi: The God Who Sees Me-Genesis 16:14 5. El Shaddai: All-Sufficient One-Isaiah 66:10-11; Exodus 17:6 6. El Olam: Everlasting God-Genesis 21:33 7. El-Elohe-Israel: The God of Me (Israel)-Genesis 32:28-30 8. El Chay: Living God- Joshua 3:10 9. Yahweh: The Self-Existent One-Revelation 4:11 10. Yahweh Yireh: The Lord Will Provide-Genesis 22:13-14 11. Yahweh Rapha: The Lord Who Heals You-Isaiah 53:5 12. Yahweh Nissi: The Lord Our Banner-Exodus 17:15 13. Yahweh Shalom: The Lord is Peace-Judges 6:24 14. Yahweh Sabaoth: The Lord of Heaven’s Armies-1 Samuel 1:3; 11 15. Yahweh Raah: The Lord My Shepherd-Psalm 23; John 10:11,14 16. Yahweh Tsidkenu: The Lord is Our Righteousness-Jeremiah 23:6 17. Yahweh Shammah: The Lord is There-Ezekiel 48:35 18. Adonai: Master, Sovereign LORD-Genesis 15:2,8 19. Abba: Father-Mark 14:36 20. Ruwach: The Spirit of God-1 Samuel 10:6 21. Holy Spirit: Teacher and Comforter-John 14:26 22. Jesus: Yahweh Saves-Matthew 1:20-21 23. Messiah: Anointed One, Christ-Matthew 1:16 24. Jehovah-Ahavah: God is Love-Isaiah 63:9b 25. Jehovah-Kavod: The Lord of Glory-Psalm 24:7-10 26. Jehovah-Tsedek: The Lord is Justice-Psalm 97:2 27. Jehovah-Chesed: The Lord is Merciful-Exodus 34:6 28. Jehovah-Magen: The Lord a Shield-Deuteronomy 33:29b 29. Jehovah-Or: The Lord is Light-John 8:12;1 John 1:5b 30. Baal-Perazim: The Lord of the Breakthrough-1 Chronicles 14:11 El=Sovereign, Deity, Might, Strength, Power. Yahweh (YHWH)=the Hebrew word for “I AM.” Jehovah=Hebrew name for God.

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