Cleansing TheTemple

Series: Questions In The Gospel of John

January 23, 2018
Kevin James

It was the Passover for the Jews, so Jesus traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate or maybe it was to take care of some important business. Obviously He knew what was ahead and what He would do. So it was no accident He went into the Temple at the most opportune time. When he got there it was not a pretty sight. The religious leaders of the day had turned the temple into local big box store … but only worse. They were selling animals for sacrifice at exorbitant prices and exchanging money at exorbitant rates. This didn’t settle well with Jesus, so he cleansed the temple to the dismay of the religious leaders. When it was all said and done, the religious leaders questioned the authority of Jesus, but His response and what eventually took place are the very reasons why the Bible has authority over our lives.

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