Who Goes to Church? 1 Tim. 1:5-16

March 27, 2017
Scott Ingram

I want to start with a question. Who Goes to church? According to ABC News: In America, Sixty percent of people age 65 and older report attending religious services at least once a week; among 18 to 30-year-olds, just 28 percent go that often. There are other factors. Nearly half of Southerners attend services weekly, substantially more than elsewhere. Forty-four percent of women go weekly, compared to 32 percent of men. 83 percent of adults in this country (say they) are Christians. Forty-six percent of Protestants attend church at least weekly, peaking at 52 percent of Baptists. Just over two-thirds of Baptists are in the South, far more than elsewhere (the Midwest is next, at just 17 percent). This is why we are called the Bible Belt. Now that is the demographics of who goes to church. Now I want you to consider what kind of people go to church? Most would say Good people. Is that true? Find out in this sermon...

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