The Triumph of the Prude (Bede)

Series: Trinitytide

August 28, 2018
Fr. Vaughn Treco

180828 - Homily - The Triumph of the Prude (Bede)

Episode Notes

Homily - The Triumph of the Prude (Bede)

In 1930, during the fifteenth centennial anniversary of the death of Saint Augustine, Pope Pius XI said of him:

β€œIt is Augustine who seems to have borne off the palm from all. 

Of towering genius and thoroughly versed in sacred and profane knowledge, he waged relentless war on all the errors of his age with matchless faith and equal learning. 

What part of philosophy did he have untouched? Nay rather into what part did he not make thorough search as when he unfolded to the Faithful the deepest mysteries of the Faith or defended them against the mad attacks of foes; 

or...when, brushing away the false theories of Academics ... he laid a sure and solid foundation for human knowledge, or studied in detail the nature and source and causes of the evils which harass mankind?"

He was the light set upon the candlestick, he was the vanquisher of every heresy and a guide to eternal salvation for his contemporaries. 

And, he has continued to teach and console Christians as age succeeded age.

Even in our time we owe it to him in large measure that among believers the truth of Faith maintains its luster, while love for God has not ceased to burn.

For decades now, however, some in the College of Cardinals, many Bishops, and many more Catholic theologians β€” seeking to provide cover for then secret, but public perversity β€” have dismissed the saintly Doctor as a prude...

  • And have made shipwreck of millions of souls once destined for the crown of life;

O Saint Augustine, Doctor of the Church: Pray for us!

O Blessed Virgin, Destroyer of Heresies: Pray for us!

O Lord Jesus Christ, Incarnate Wisdom: Have mercy on us!

Have mercy on us!

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