40 Matthew 12:46-50 - Orphans Given Names

Series: The Gospel According to Matthew

March 11, 2018
Christopher C. Freeman

Title: Orphans Given Names Text: Matthew 12. 46-50 FCF: We often struggle living as though we are in the family of God. Prop: Because God’s family is more important than blood, we must do the will of the Father. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Matthew Chapter 12. Today we will close out this 3rd of 7 narrative sections in the book of Matthew. We will attempt to review and remind ourselves of all the encounters Jesus has had over the last 2 chapters. All of this will feed into the 3rd Discourse which could probably easily be titled The Kingdom Parables. Each parable that will be taught has the same or a similar message – and all that we have learned in chapters 11 and 12 will shape our understanding of those parables. All of this is ahead for us, but for now let’s begin reading in verse 46 of Matthew 12. I’ll be reading from the NET but follow along in whatever version you prefer. Sermon Intro: [Slide 2] Family is a pretty difficult concept for us. In our society we face the erosion of the family unit which is quite daunting. But even in the best of situations with stable family structure we still struggle relating to our family. Respecting and loving one another – confronting one another when they are in error, but doing so lovingly. Being overly embarrassed by one another because what they do reflects on us. All these are pitfalls that we can encounter with regard to family. Today we will see Jesus interact with his earthly family – and his words and actions may be construed as disrespectful – but in reality- I think instead, He is both demonstrating great patience, and also communicating something powerful about the nature of being adopted into God’s family. Transition: Wanna know what it is? Go with me to verse 46 again. I.) Christ followers should expect to be opposed by family, so we must do the will of the Father (46-47) a. [Slide 3] 46 – While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and brothers came and stood outside, asking to speak to him. i. Although it is unsaid in Matthew, in Mark it seems that this was all happening near Jesus’ home. ii. Now his mother and brothers come to speak with him 1. As indicated in John 7 and Matthew 13, Jesus did had siblings. 2. And with no mention of Joseph – meaning he probably died 3. And with the connection between these two groups being Jesus not Joseph, the most natural conclusion is that these were his brothers from Mary – not Joseph. 4. Meaning that it is not only theologically unnecessary, but logically impossible that Mary was perpetually a virgin. 5. Her virginity served its purpose to bring Jesus into the world free of Adam’s Federal failure. And afterward, she married Joseph and had 4 more sons and an undisclosed number of daughters. 6. Now that that is addressed – why can’t they speak with him? What is preventing them? iii. They stood outside. Now this doesn’t necessarily indicate that they were outside a building. Perhaps more like they were standing on the outskirts of the crowd that was around him. And could not get to him because there were too many to get thorough. iv. Now the million dollar question. What did they want to talk to Him about? Well Matthew doesn’t tell us… or does he? 1. [Slide 4] 11:2-15 – The questioning of Christ’s message by John’s disciples 2. 11:16-19 – The rejection of Jesus and John by the Jews 3. 11:20-24- The rejection of Jesus’ message by the cities he preached to 4. 11:25-30 – The standing invite to all who are crushed with sin to come to Him for rest 5. 12:1-14 – The rejection of Jesus’ words by the Pharisees 6. 12:15-21 – The prophesy of the non-aggressive tactics of the Messiah 7. 12:22-32 – The Blasphemy of the Pharisees 8. 12:33-37 – The wicked hearts of the Pharisees as revealed by their words 9. 12:38-45 – The continued skepticism of the Pharisees amid such irrefutable signs and their deepening judgment because of it. 10. SO! – If you had to guess – knowing that Matthew moves thematically – what do you suppose the reason for Mary and James, Joseph, Simon and Judas’s visit was? a. Mark 3:21 – They thought he was insane. They thought He was nuts. They wanted to shut him up. b. And later we see that his brothers – John 7 – did not believe he was who he said he was. c. Oh and by the way – out the window goes the concept that Mary was pure in no need of salvation – because she stands with Jesus’ brothers here. Even though an angel of God came to her to reveal the truth – at some point – she didn’t quite believe it. b. [Slide 5] 47 – Someone told him, “look, your mother and your brothers are standing outside wanting to speak to you.” i. Their persistence pays off. ii. A message is transmitted to the inner circle that they wished to speak with him. iii. Culturally accepted practices would mean that in reverence to His mother and brothers that He would disengage his activity and hear them out. iv. But as we will see, Jesus has no intention of doing that. c. [Slide 6 (blank)] Jesus warned that to follow Him it may mean losing your father, mother, sister or brother. They may oppose you – to the point that they are instrumental in your arrest and death. d. And like all good teachers, we see that He is not above His own words. e. Even this close proximity to the Savior – even with an angel revealing truth to Mary – There is still opposition to His words and works – by his own family. f. And we should expect no less. Our family should think we are pretty weird. And not just because we smell funny. They should look at us and see someone whose worldview is entirely consistent. That everything we do, say, or think – every purchase we make – every minute we spend – every mile we travel is contingent on one thing – Does the bible support what I am doing? g. And that level of consistency is infuriating to this world. We live in a world of relativism where my truth and your truth can differ and we can both be right. We live in a world where people are searching for something to pin up their beliefs and they range from feelings and emotions to books written by wicked men. And as our world struggles to put all their hope into some form of truth we stand – unapologetically on the words of God – and it makes them furious. h. And when we follow what our Lord commands – without exception – without compromise – whether it makes sense to us or not – we are called sheep, brainwashed, close-minded and bigots. i. But each of these insults are in fact not insults at all. God calls us sheep and He is our Shepherd. We follow where He leads – not because we know the plans of the shepherd, not because they make logical sense to us or even that we agree with those plans, but because we trust that our good comes from His hand. j. We are brainwashed and praise the Lord we are – because our brains were so stained with the stench of wickedness that no 12 twelve step program, nor law, nor any means of men could ever lift the stains. Yet His blood has washed us clean. k. We are close-minded praise the Lord – because God has shown us the truth and friend when you know the truth and someone else tries to convince you of a lie – is it close-minded to reject them or is it wisdom? If you know you were born in 1970 is it close-minded to disagree with someone who says you were born in 71? l. And while we may not be bigots in that we hate people for something that they cannot help – we do hate this world and all that opposes our God – because we love Him more than anything else. m. That should be enough to have your family hate you I think. But if they do – just know that you are in good company. Because as far as we know, only 2 of Jesus’ brothers repented and believed, and both of them did not do so until after his resurrection. The Son of God – for the entirety of his pre resurrected life – was considered the black sheep and reject of the family. Transition: So Jesus’ family thought he was nuts. And they ask to speak to Him, no doubt to talk him out of continuing his self-defeating ministry. But how does Jesus respond? Does He rebuke them – as He did the Pharisees? No. His words may be harsh, but compared to the words He gave the Pharisees, they are but a slap on the wrist. II.) Being included in God’s family is more important than being included in an earthly family, so we must do the will of the Father. (48-50) a. [Slide 7] 48 – To the one who had said this, Jesus replied, “Who is my mother and who are my brothers? i. [Slide 8] How is this even an answer? ii. I mean if I handed you my phone and was like – hey dude your mom is on the other line, wants to talk to you and your reply was iii. “Who is my mom?” iv. I mean what do you even say to that? v. The woman who raised you???? vi. I wish I was a fly on the wall when Jesus said this to the guy who told him. I wonder how much silence elapsed before Jesus said… b. [Slide 9] 49 – And pointing toward his disciples he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! i. Again, can you imagine being Peter and having Jesus pointing at you when he said – here are my mother and brothers… ii. Not only that – but everyone in the room must be like… uh… so is this guy gonna talk to his momma or… iii. But he wasn’t trying to slight his family. He wasn’t trying to be disrespectful. iv. Instead, we see Jesus trying to use every opportunity he can to teach of the Kingdom. v. But what exactly is He teaching? c. [Slide 10] 50 – For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother i. So Jesus isn’t confused as to where or who his family is. And He clearly is not saying that His disciples have replaced his mother and brothers as his family. ii. Instead he is teaching about a more important family that supersedes all other family units. He is talking about the family of God. iii. And what is a characteristic of a person who is in the family of God? They do the will of God. iv. One more log for the fire to prove that the only objective way to know with any certainty that you are a child of God- is that you do the will of God – namely – that you obey the Word of God. d. [Slide 11 (blank) (end)] This event happens as a bookend to these two chapters of Narrative which clearly show the opposition building against the Message and purpose of the King. And in this little section We have seen Jesus’ family reject who He was – and what He preached. And we have seen Jesus present another family that is more important and far better to be a part of than any blood family. e. And even though I can’t find a commentator that agrees with me – can I suggest to you that perhaps, Matthew, who is writing to the Jews you know, believers and unbelievers alike, may be slipping another truth in here. f. That to be a part of the Family of God, the Family of the Messiah is better than to be a part of the blood of Abraham. That many in the line of Abraham had rejected God’s will for their lives. Many had disobeyed and did what was right in their own eyes rather than God’s. And it is these same folks that thought Jesus was a lunatic or worse. g. And perhaps this last phrase – whoever does the will of my Father – is a clue to the wonderful truth – that the Gentiles would inherit adoption into this family also. h. The family of God and His Messiah which is above all other families. To the extent that all other families matter very little by comparison. i. At the midpoint of this narrative section, Jesus offers an invitation. And here at the end of this narrative section, Jesus again, offers an invitation. An adoption order. A chance at a new life. Transition: And really this is all Jesus has ever offered. Conclusion: Not just heaven. Not just forgiveness. But to be made new. To join a new family. To become something else entirely. Namely, to be made into what He designed you to be from the beginning. As we learned last week in our membership class, we were designed to be pictures, mirrors and conduits. To represent, reflect and connect to our King. But in our sin and wickedness we became a graffiti ridden picture, unable to show any aspects of His character. In our sin we were shut in a dark room, a mirror that can only reflect darkness. And in our depravity we were severed from Him – unable to relate and commune with Him. Jesus’ message shows us that He came and died to set us free, not from hell but from the thing that would send us there. Not to heaven but from the thing that would keep us out of it. Not to happiness but to joy. Not to wealth here but to wealth there. Not to freedom to be who we want, but freedom to be who He wants. His family is typified by their obedience to God. Because being the firstborn of many sons – He was typified by obedience. As we wrap up another narrative portion and prepare for our 3rd Discourse – we need to see what Mathew has shown us. That for the most part – Jesus’ message was opposed by those who should have been prepared to accept it. And perhaps you are in the same boat. You who have sat under 12 chapters of Matthew have heard this often repeated presentation of the gospel and maybe you are growing numb to it. Do not be like the Jews. Hear this invitation from your King. Join a new and better family today. Be who God made you to be – someone who does His will. To those of us who are this. Who have been adopted. The message for today is simple but cutting. Look around you. Every face of every person that is also an adopted son or daughter, that is a face of your brother. Your sister. Your mother. Your father. They are your family. And they are closer than blood. For some of you they are ALSO blood. But can I encourage you to see that the blood that you share in your veins, is quite thin when compared to the blood you share from the one who’s veins were torn open so that you may live. The same Lord who gave all so that you could be made into a new creature, did so for them too. We aren’t just a church – we are closer than family. And that changes our perceptions. How we speak to one another, how we help each other – how we do life together. All boils down to this fact – that our Savior is not simply mine but ours. The Spirit is not in me only but in us. We are one. We are the family of God. May we be great examples of this truth by obeying His word. By Loving one another.

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